Thursday, May 13, 2010

Week twelve, Workout #34

This week we had to shuffle things up a bit as on Wednesday Anthony had a commitment and it was my pnuts 13th birthday so it was easy to shift Wednesday to Thursday. But first we had to workout Monday.

Monday brought out the medicine ball and we worked the field...a 100 yards at a time.

After our normal warm up we went right to work. First up, normal push ups followed by normal burpies. Then we did the same but with the ball. So with my hands on the ball I did push ups then Anthony would throw me the ball and I'd drop into a burpie, come up and throw Anthony the ball...back again, down again, up and throw...and so on. Then we went into working the field. I'd throw the ball to Anthony walk to the five yard line, Anthony would throw it back and I'd drop and do push ups on the ball.

This work continued and we finished the day with sit ups while throwing the ball back and forth between Anthony and I.

Sorry for the late post :)


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