Monday, April 19, 2010

Week nine, Weigh-in #8

Well despite a tough early part to the week in weight loss with no weight loss as of Friday and a 24 hour burner to Reno this past weekend for a visit with a friend and, yes, some gaming - which always has temptations, I ended up losing 3.1 lbs. Pretty happy with that as I had no idea what to expect. The Reno trip was tough because I was completely out of my routine, had no access to good foods, and of course beers were ever present; at the airport, airplane, limo, hotel, black jack tables, etc. But I was able to resist, didn't drink, and ate okay but likely not often enough.

Here are the numbers. For the record and perspective, I've lost the equivalent of a large bag of dog food. Pick one of those up next time you are at the store...heavy!

Week 1: 269.5
Week 2: 257.2
Week 3: 254.7
Week 4: 254.7
Week 5: 249.6
Week 6: 245.5
Week 6: 242.0
Week 7: 237.6
Week 8: 234.5
Loss: 3.1
Total: 35
% of goal lost: 83%
% of weight loss for the week: 1.3%
% of weight loss overall: 13%

7 lbs to go! Until tonight.


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