Monday, May 24, 2010

Final Project 42 weigh-in

After 13 Weeks the numbers are in. The goal was achieved during week 10 so we reset to go for 50 lbs lost. The final weigh in brought a final weight of 218.2 and 51.3 lbs lost! Just some random numbers; I averaged 3.9 lbs lost per week. If you take out the first three weeks (before I got my body adjusted I lost an average of 3.65). The most I lost was 12.3 lbs, the least was 2.4 lbs.

Tonight we'll do the final measurements and I'll include those in the final report.

Here are the numbers.

Week 1: 269.5
Week 2: 257.2
Week 3: 254.7
Week 4: 254.7
Week 5: 249.6
Week 6: 245.5
Week 6: 242.0
Week 7: 237.6
Week 8: 234.5
Week 9: 232.1
Week 10: 228.6
Week 11: 224.3
Week 12: 221.6
Week 13: 218.2
Loss: 3.4
Total: 51.3
% of goal lost: 122%
% of weight loss for the week: 1.6%
% of weight loss overall: 19%

Until tonight.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Week thirteen, Workout #39

Workout 39 and, after 13 weeks, Project 42 is complete. The only thing left is my weight in and maybe not completely over but the workouts are. A Summary will come to, on Monday with the final report.

The video above is the last 4 minutes of the last after 56 minutes, you get the last 4.

Today's workout started like the other 38. A run and active warm up. Anthony asked what I wanted to do today and I said work hard and maybe do one of everything. Unfortunately there were too many people out today to used the entire field so that was out. So Anthony set up a good circuit for me with the TRX, rubber band, and the ladder. There was about 25 yards between each station and we did prisoner jump squats, lunges and running between stations. We started with the TRX and push ups, prisoner jump squats to the rubber band for curls. Lunges led me to the ladder. Back to the rubber band with prisoner jump squats for overhead presses with the rubber band and a jog to the TRX.

This circuit continued with TRX rows, I's, T's, more push ups, and static holds. At the rubber band we did curls, overhead presses, squats with overhead presses, tri's, and push ups and dips on the ground. The ladder, as you can see in the video, we did it all. We made three laps through this circuit and I can say at the end I was spent which is the way it should be.

I'll hold off on a summary until Monday after my final weight in and measurements. As you know, I've reached my goal; 42lbs by my 42nd birthday which is Sunday. Now it's just gravy but I am hopeful to get to 50lbs lost on Monday.

Below are some pics from today's workout but also a photo from day one and a similar one from tonight....big big difference.

Until Monday!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week thirteen, Workout #38

Today brought piss and vinegar. I woke up today to find my golf clubs and ipod stolen.
In fact I almost called Anthony and told him to bring out his sparing gear so I could take out some aggressions. He read my mind - or my facebook posts - and had all the gear ready to go.

After the warm up and self directed activities we laced up the gloves and went to work. Sparing is fun, hard, etc. It is new to me, boxing, and it is a great workout. We threw jabs, jab straights, jab straight hooks, jab straight hooks upper cuts, etc. We kept moving...included some kicks too. Great active workout.

We finished the day with ab work on the ground and that was the day. Nice to get some piss and vinegar out, not that it brings my stuff back but it felt good.

Until Friday and the last official workout of Project 42!


Week thirteen, Workout #37

Monday brought another day of circuit training. We started with a normal warm up, with a slight twist, and the achilles feels great. After the run, Anthony had me run my own warm up session. I had to recall/remember what I am supposed to do so this was good looking forward to doing anything on my own.

Thereafter we got to the circuit. It included the medicine ball and a wall, two rubber bands - which I broke one, three total for the project ;) sorry Anthony - and the ground.

We started with chest pass wall tosses against the wall then went straight to full body push ups. Again, for those that have not done full body push ups its hard. Then straight to the bands for curls and to the other set of bands for overhead presses. Rest! We went back through it with slight modifications to the toss and the push ups.

After the circuit we went to ground work for the abs.

Good day.

Until next time.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Week thirteen, Weigh-in #12

One more week of Project 42! As you all know, we've met the goal of Project 42 - which was to loose 42lbs by my 42nd birthday. So, now, with one week until my 42nd we are going for a stretch 50lbs.

I lost 2.7 lbs this week which leaves 2.1 for the magical 50lbs mark. We are back to it tonight and three sessions, as usual, this week.

Here are this weeks numbers.

Week 1: 269.5
Week 2: 257.2
Week 3: 254.7
Week 4: 254.7
Week 5: 249.6
Week 6: 245.5
Week 6: 242.0
Week 7: 237.6
Week 8: 234.5
Week 9: 232.1
Week 10: 228.6
Week 11: 224.3
Week 12: 221.6
Loss: 2.7
Total: 47.9
% of goal lost: 114%
% of weight loss for the week: 1.2%
% of weight loss overall: 18%

Until tonight.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Week twelve, Workout #36

Friday signaled the end of the penultimate week of Project 42. It was a great day weather-wise too.

My achilles continues to improve and is likely 92-95% now. We started with our normal stretching and run then the active warm up. No medicine balls, no weights today it was all about muscle endurance.

We started on the goal line and did 10 push ups and then did jump squats to the 10 yard line. Dropping for 10 more push ups we continued this routine to the 50. Then we changed push ups to close handed push ups to work the triceps and lunges for 10 yards. After the first 100 yards we did 50 yards or side shuffles switched directions and finished the last 50.

Starting our second set we replaced push ups with sit ups and jump squats with single leg squats but instead of standing between squats we stayed low to increase muscle engagement. After 50 yards we swapped sit ups for modified push ups; some full body, some pulsing. Side shuffles back from the far to near goal line. One more set of those and we were off to do pull ups.

We did a super set of pull ups and triceps extensions. Without stopping for any of it we did 10 pull ups, 10 tri extensions, 8 and 8, 6, 4, 2! Tough but great for muscle endurance.

We finished the day with some good stretching and started the weekend.

One more week to go for Project 42! Cannot wait for Monday's weight-in to see if 50 lbs is viable.

Until then.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Week twelve, Workout #35

Shifting to Thursday for scheduling issues, Anthony and I met at the track for another workout with great weather.

Anthony brought out the balance ball for the first time. We warmed up and then focused on balance and core work; a little less cardio - rumor has it I will get my ass kicked in that department.

First up we did push ups with my feet on the balance ball and my hands on the ground. Next up was similar position but instead of the push up we did a pike by pulling my feet in and my knees to my chest. Next up, I was on my back, on the ground and I'd hold the ball in my hands. I'd then sit up and place the ball between my feet - which were elevated straight up - and then go back down. Up again to retrieve the ball and down...rinse, dry, repeat. After that and while still on my back I'd place my feet on the ball and do the reverse of the pike by again pulling my feet in and knees to my chest but, again, from a bridge position or face up. Then we got up and did push ups with my hands on the ball. This, for the record, is very tough. If you have a balance ball...try it! Thereafter, and lastly in the circuit, we I did crunches with my back on the ball. With each crunch, I'd have to reach up and touch Anthony's hand.

We did a few sets of each of these and then stretched out and called it a day.

A good workout...a bit of a slower pace but with good targeted work.

Tomorrow will be here soon, until then.


Week twelve, Workout #34

This week we had to shuffle things up a bit as on Wednesday Anthony had a commitment and it was my pnuts 13th birthday so it was easy to shift Wednesday to Thursday. But first we had to workout Monday.

Monday brought out the medicine ball and we worked the field...a 100 yards at a time.

After our normal warm up we went right to work. First up, normal push ups followed by normal burpies. Then we did the same but with the ball. So with my hands on the ball I did push ups then Anthony would throw me the ball and I'd drop into a burpie, come up and throw Anthony the ball...back again, down again, up and throw...and so on. Then we went into working the field. I'd throw the ball to Anthony walk to the five yard line, Anthony would throw it back and I'd drop and do push ups on the ball.

This work continued and we finished the day with sit ups while throwing the ball back and forth between Anthony and I.

Sorry for the late post :)


Monday, May 10, 2010

Week twelve, Weigh-in #11

In the famous works of Andres Cantor; GGGGGOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLL!

I was a bit anxious stepping on the scale this morning as I knew how close, within 1.1 lbs, to my goal I was this week and with only two weeks left in the project. But the results were great!

Project 42 has been achieved!

I still have two more weeks which is great so I think I'll go for 50lbs; only 4.8 lbs ;)

Here are this weeks numbers.

Week 1: 269.5
Week 2: 257.2
Week 3: 254.7
Week 4: 254.7
Week 5: 249.6
Week 6: 245.5
Week 6: 242.0
Week 7: 237.6
Week 8: 234.5
Week 9: 232.1
Week 10: 228.6
Week 11: 224.3
Loss: 4.3
Total: 45.2
% of goal lost: 108%
% of weight loss for the week: 1.9%
% of weight loss overall: 17%

Until tonight


Friday, May 7, 2010

Week eleven, Workout #33

As a busy couple of weeks winds down, I made another trip out to see Anthony for workout 33. In many respects it doesn't seem like it has been that long and maybe that is good because the workouts are harder and harder.

Friday was another nice day and another hard workout. I am really feeling great too. Not only is the achilles feeling better than it has in a month + but I am getting strong.

We started the day with the normal run and active warm and then went right into 3 sets of 10 chin ups. Thereafter we went to the field with the medicine ball. Starting on the goal line and holding the ball I did ten squats. Walking with the ball extended straight out in front of me, I walked to the 10 yard line and then did ten more squats. We repeated this through the 50 yard line. Then walked with the ball extended to the opposing goal line. Starting on the goal line again, we did burpies and push ups, up and walking to the 10 yard line for more burpies and push ups, we repeated this through the 50 and then did lunges back to the goal line. Next we did side squats while holding the medicine ball to my chest. From the goal line and every ten yards I'd drop and do push ups with one hand on the ball but I'd alternate hands for each push up. After a short break we went to our last series. This consisted of curls with the rubber band for time then side shuffles from the goal line to the 50 and back. Then right to over head presses with the medicine ball and shuffles to the 40 and back. Next was triceps curls with shuffles to the 30 and back. We repeated that series to finish up the day.

After some stretching it was a wrap. Monday is weigh in day and the third to last one. Coming into this week I was 1.1 lbs shy of my goal. Stay turned for the AM weight in.

Until then.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Week eleven, Workout #32

Strength day! Wednesday brought less cardio intensity but it was made up for with weight.

We warmed up as normal with a run and active stretching, etc. Thereafter we got right to the dumb bells. 2x25 we're the order of the day. Starting with them held straight down we did reps of deep squats. After those we did more :) but added curls; so squat, curl, 1...squat curl, 2...etc. After that set we added a military press; squat, curl, press...1, etc. A short rest was followed by lunges with the dumb bells. Half way across the field we added curls; lung then up to a curl to a lung, etc. We worked across the field and before coming back we did push ups which were a modified one hand push ups. Mainly a normal two hand push up but with a single hand lift once up.

We then moved back into a straight squat with the weights at shoulder height and completed a military press on the way up. We burned those out with more of those modified one hand push ups.

To wrap the workout we did the turkish get-up. For those that don't know this move,

This workout is tough. We did it with one 25# and for those who don't watch the video - which is not me - you lay flat on your back with the dumb bell held in one hand and in the up (picture bench press) position. Then you basically stand up...from laying on your back while holding the weight overhead. Once up, you lay down...rinse, dry, repeat. This is hard ;)

We did some good stretching as I was still a bit tight from Monday. Another great workout...

Until Friday.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Week eleven, Workout #31

A goal is not reached until you get to the finish line and that fact was not lost on Anthony today. Being so close to my goal, 1.1 lbs away, I am here to tell you he put me through the hardest workout yet. 31 workouts, 2.5+ months, hardest to date. And, yes, I feel

The workout was so fast paced and diverse I am not sure I can remember everything we did. We started with a normal active warm up; run, etc. The achilles continues to recover and feel good which is great because today we got back to the ladder work. In addition to it we had the punching bag and medicine ball.

We started at the ladder with up and backs 4x and then punched the bag followed by knees to the bag. Back to the ladder for W's up and back 4x then punches and knees. That set finished with Allie shuffles on the ladder 4x with punches and knees. Right after we did push ups on the ball. After a short break we went right to lunges with the medicine ball for 20 yards and backward for 20 yards. If you've never done a lunge backward, give it a try. To burn out those we did bridge work with the medicine ball and then full body sit ups while throwing the ball to Anthony on the way up - he'd toss it back on the way down. Thereafter we went back to the ladder for the same set noted above. At this point I am gassed but clearly we were not done. Anthony pushed and pushed hard. As I noted early in this blog and project, it always amazes me what you can do or what more you can do with a trainer pushing you. Back to the workout and being gassed this is where it gets fuzzy...I know we did more ball work..push ups for sure but we did something up and back, similar to the lunges and when we got back we did more sit ups. Even more gassed now we finished the day with the ladder, punches and knees..super fast, super hard, super tired. After we were done I about collapsed. I was hurting, gassed and very tired.

I am sure I have missed a few activites but you all get the gist, right...

I feel good know, it is always good when you are done and I know I worked harder than most...I like that.

Until next time.


Week eleven, Weigh-in #10

Beginning the home stretch with week 11 and my 10th official trip to the scale. And I have officially eclipsed the 40lbs mark. With 3.5lbs lost this week I am now 97% of my goal and have lost 40.9lbs. I still have 3 weeks left in the project and need to lose 1.1lbs or .36lbs per week. I'll go out on a limb and say I'll make it. Now I am wondering if I can get 50...hmmmm.

Above is a graph that I thought was pretty cool. It shows the project to date weight loss by week. Note week 2 and the weight in for week 3. That week Anthony told me I was not eating enough and i lost no weight but since...a pretty good progression. I guess he knows a thing or two!

Here are this weeks numbers.

Week 1: 269.5
Week 2: 257.2
Week 3: 254.7
Week 4: 254.7
Week 5: 249.6
Week 6: 245.5
Week 6: 242.0
Week 7: 237.6
Week 8: 234.5
Week 9: 232.1
Week 10: 228.6
Loss: 3.5
Total: 40.9
% of goal lost: 97%
% of weight loss for the week: 1.5%
% of weight loss overall: 15%

1.1lbs to go.

Until tonight.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week ten, Workout #30

Friday was another great day weather wise and I felt good too. Maybe spring is actually here now! The achilles felt better too, no healed but better and no acute pain.

We warmed up with a run and normal activities and then got to it. Friday brought a medicine ball and a dumb bell. First up was the medicine ball, squats and push ups. With the medicine ball held on my chest I did squats and on the push up from the squat I'd toss the ball, like a chest press, up high against a wall, catch it and then down into another squat. Between squats I did 10 push ups but with my hands on the medicine ball. So 50 squats with a toss, 10 push ups on the ball...40 squats, 10 push ups, 30, 10, 20, 10, 10 ,10....OUCH. 150 squat tosses and 50 push ups on the ball.

Thereafter we moved to the field and began the dumb bell work. We began with 10 squat cleans per arm and then added the jerks. So 10 cleans then 10 clean/jerks per side. Then we added a squat so 10 cleans, 10 clean/jerks, and then 10 squats while holding the dumb bell over head from the jerk.

We finished Friday up with core work which included bridges and sit ups. Multiple sets of each!

Another great workout and day.

Until Monday.