Friday, February 26, 2010

Day Five, Workout #3

So no update or workout yesterday as I had to change up my schedule (Thurs to Fri) so I could attend the Of Course Golf premier in San Francisco last night;

Today I feel pretty good. soreness is subsiding eating is on par. No alcohol or vice!

So today, here comes the rain. Weather better suited for beers and a hottub but being committed, Anthony and I both said rain or shine when we started. Raining hard, blowing hard yet here I go to the track. At least I brought an umbrella for Anthony; didn't work in softening him up to take it easy on me.

The workout was fun, hard yes but fun. We did the normal warm ups with laps and then got into it. What made it fun was doing ladder work. I like that thing, not sure why. It is a great training aid for quickness and agility. We mixed in running laps with skipping rope with the ladder. We worked in upper body at the end with rubber band resistance. All with intense intervals! To the point that I was nearly out of breath often. Anthony would not back off until he knew I was on the verge. I would guess that being worked by a trainer produces 35-40% effort. This requires a very good trainer and one that you trust and who motivates you; I get all that from Anthony.

In all, it was a great workout; I was pushed, it was hard and intense...I like that. Fun too in the rain and wind because, like the fat guy on Wednesday, I am way better than most for having done it!

Pretty good set of workouts for week one as well. All progressively harder and more intense. I was reflecting back to 6 years ago and how absolutely intense our workouts were. I know, I know I was in amazing shape but still hard to imagine doing that now. But I'll get there in a few months.

The hottub minus beers did come into play tonight....ahhh wonderful.

Weight in day is Monday. I'll step on and report out. I doubt I'll do pictures for week one but who knows I might surprise you all. A small insight, I have already lost over 10% of my goal of losing 42lbs after 4 days. Might have to set the bar higher. Granted now that I said that, I'm jinxed and will gain weight over the weekend lol. We'll see...until then, have a great weekend.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day Three, Workout #2

Day three, the day I fully expected to be most sore; second morning after initial workout. Honestly though, not so bad. Quads and lower back were still sore but not much more than day two. My lats and arms were sore, however, which was new.

Still a bit tired and I still blame the dogs for it. Had the same breakfast; 1/2 cup of breakfast, 1/2 cup of milk, and a pot of coffee :)

Overall eating I am still tracking around 1500-1600 cals per day with about 100 grams of protein.

Today was the first test of being outside the norm. I was meeting colleagues for lunch at Togos. I was thinking, crap, do I bring in my own food? What do I do? I decided to figure it out within my bounds but with their offerings. I went through their nutrition and found that I could do a small soup and half sando. It was good, filling and only 500 cals and had 23 grams of protein. Success!

Now, today's workout. IT WAS HARD!

Workout two, sore, tired, couch, chips, beers!

It was tough, It kicked my butt a bit. Half way through Anthony looks at me and says; "welcome to Project 42". I knew then it was on. It was hard because of two things I think. 1. I was sore and 2. Anthony worked me harder...duh huh.

Funny too while working out on the Leland track they were preparing for a girls varsity soccer game on the turf inside the track, warm ups, fans in the stands, announcers on the PA...everyone there looking at ME! Well maybe not but certainly as I am sucking wind it feels like that. It was easy to dismiss, however, because I'd look in the stands at a big fat guy sitting there and say to myself; "I am so much better than you!"

Time to relax, maybe hottub, and get some rest. I'll post weekly weigh-ins each Monday.



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day two, part two

Still feel pretty good tonight. Maybe a bit more sore this afternoon but doing okay.

Drank more water today than yesterday and eating was still spot on. Concerned that I might not be eating enough calories but that can be adjusted. I've been about 1500 cals per day and around 100 (average) grams of protein. All broken up between three meals and a snack.

I am a bit tired...likely just the shock to my body from working out. Slept good last night but only about 7 hours. I'll get to bed earlier tonight and once the Olympics are over that should help my sleep too ;)

Less than 24 hours until workout #2.


Day Two

Surprisingly I don't feel as sore today as I expected. I feel it in my lower back and quads for sure. It should be interesting how I feel tomorrow morning as I usually am the most sore two days after a workout.

Not sure I've posted this but the plan is to work out three days a week; Monday, Wednesday, and either Thursday or Friday.

I am already looking forward to tomorrow's workout.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Workout #1

Workout #1 is in the books!

As some may know and others have read, this day has been 6 years in the making; not necessarily in a good way :)

Today was great...anticipation, excitement...a kid in a candy store...maybe not the best analogy, how about a virgin in a brothel...okay stopping while I'm still went well.

I eating was spot on albeit maybe a bit shy of calories. I consumed 1572 calories and 137 grams of protein. Avoided chips, beer, and all those good things :)

I met up with Anthony at the track at 5pm; early of course as I hate being late. BUT he beat me there...damit! Here I am walking to the track and I feel guilty so I start jogging over to where he was. Sure, he had to pick the furthers spot from the entrance gate. Regardless, I could not walk over to him so I jogged. Winded I gave him a big hug! Surprised him I am sure but I was very happy to see him and know that the hard part was over; commitment. I was there, ready to go, to trust Anthony and make myself better. I gave him his hat - one matching mine, except for the initials on the back - and off we went.

We talked for a few minutes and then ran a lap, he ran with me. One lap, 440 yards and so it was on. We progressed through various strength, core, and flexibility exercises broken up by laps on the track. We closed with stretching...What A Great Day!

I feel good, I will be sore, but I remember back...6 years when I was in great shape...and know I can get back there.

I am trying to figure a way to share my meals...once I figure that out, I'll add it in.

In keeping with my transparent 'open kimono' style here is a pick of me this morning. Scary yes but that is what it is. I spared you all the naked one I took moments before, thank me later.

Okay done for now and time for bed.


Day One

Okay here we go.

I feel I am going to become friends with the measuring cups for a while as I relearn portion size.

For breakfast today I had 1/2 cup of grapenuts with 1/2 cup of non-fat milk. 240 calories.

I am brewing a pot of coffee, as usual. Not sure if I can give up the coffee. Chips sure, beer sure, but coffee? How about I drink extra water?

Oh, and btw - 269.5 is the official start weight.

Office here I come.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tomorrow is the start; day one

Project 42

T minus 7 hours and counting

Well, almost 6 years to the month of rupturing my achilles and being forced to stop training, I am getting back to it. Yes the past 6 years have been fun; drinking, eating, and taking it easy but I am paying the price.

I've reached out to Anthony Mcpherson, my trainer 6 years ago, and he is in for another round. Anthony is great to work with and is a very good trainer. I am really looking forward to it but know it will kick my ass. That is a good thing.

So tomorrow I weight in and meet at 5pm for session #1. Anthony knows me and knows what I need to work on so he will design the workouts. We'll consult on diet and I will design and make the meals. I've done this before, I know what to do, Just need to commit.

Oh, as for the title; Project 42. I want to get back into shape, lose 42lbs by the time I turn 42; Project 42! I've got 90 days. I suspect I'll weigh in at 270 tomorrow morning. Anthony will take the other baseline measurements tomorrow. I'll post them after the first session.

One last indulge tonight as I watch USA vs. CAN Olympic Hockey. Beer and chips...I'll pay the price for those tomorrow I am sure.

Okay, rest, eating right, working hard...until tomorrow.