Monday, February 22, 2010

Day One

Okay here we go.

I feel I am going to become friends with the measuring cups for a while as I relearn portion size.

For breakfast today I had 1/2 cup of grapenuts with 1/2 cup of non-fat milk. 240 calories.

I am brewing a pot of coffee, as usual. Not sure if I can give up the coffee. Chips sure, beer sure, but coffee? How about I drink extra water?

Oh, and btw - 269.5 is the official start weight.

Office here I come.



  1. Couple things to think about. These two go hand in hand: 1) Try to be cognizant of your blood sugar level and 2) Careful with your caffeine intake.

    Your body will start to burn fat for fuel instead of more readily available sugars and carbs. Fat feels like nitro glycerin when it's burning and you may get the shakes as if you had consumed 20 cups of Peet's coffee. You may notice this after the first few days of hard training. It's not really pleasant.

    For me, if I added some sugar to my diet it alleviated some of the nervousness of hyper-fat burning.

    Good luck!


  2. setting out all my stuff like a little kid on christmas....headed out shortly.


