Saturday, April 24, 2010

Week nine, Workout #26

I've been a bit distracted this week while taking care of Sue but I've still been able to get my workouts in.

Wednesday's workout brought crummy weather again. COLD and RAIN. It was 46 and wet, cold enough to see your breath. I know, nothing for most of the country but this is CA and we pay a lot of money for good weather here.

I felt so good Wednesday, the strongest I've felt yet. In fact at the end of the workout I told Anthony I felt like an athlete again...that is a good feeling.

We started with the normal active warm up but after Anthony had me run a little extra. Thereafter we did 20 for 20. Working from the goal line of the football Field I would do 20 squats, jog 20 yards, 20 squats, 20 yards, etc all the way to the other goal line. Basically 6 reps of 20 and then we'd jog back. Starting again at the goal line I'd do push ups, job, push ups, etc. You get the picture. We did squats, push ups, sit ups, and medicine ball presses, etc. all 20 for 20.

I felt great as mentioned and the achilles was okay too.


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