Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week ten, Workout #30

Friday was another great day weather wise and I felt good too. Maybe spring is actually here now! The achilles felt better too, no healed but better and no acute pain.

We warmed up with a run and normal activities and then got to it. Friday brought a medicine ball and a dumb bell. First up was the medicine ball, squats and push ups. With the medicine ball held on my chest I did squats and on the push up from the squat I'd toss the ball, like a chest press, up high against a wall, catch it and then down into another squat. Between squats I did 10 push ups but with my hands on the medicine ball. So 50 squats with a toss, 10 push ups on the ball...40 squats, 10 push ups, 30, 10, 20, 10, 10 ,10....OUCH. 150 squat tosses and 50 push ups on the ball.

Thereafter we moved to the field and began the dumb bell work. We began with 10 squat cleans per arm and then added the jerks. So 10 cleans then 10 clean/jerks per side. Then we added a squat so 10 cleans, 10 clean/jerks, and then 10 squats while holding the dumb bell over head from the jerk.

We finished Friday up with core work which included bridges and sit ups. Multiple sets of each!

Another great workout and day.

Until Monday.


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