Thursday, May 13, 2010

Week twelve, Workout #35

Shifting to Thursday for scheduling issues, Anthony and I met at the track for another workout with great weather.

Anthony brought out the balance ball for the first time. We warmed up and then focused on balance and core work; a little less cardio - rumor has it I will get my ass kicked in that department.

First up we did push ups with my feet on the balance ball and my hands on the ground. Next up was similar position but instead of the push up we did a pike by pulling my feet in and my knees to my chest. Next up, I was on my back, on the ground and I'd hold the ball in my hands. I'd then sit up and place the ball between my feet - which were elevated straight up - and then go back down. Up again to retrieve the ball and down...rinse, dry, repeat. After that and while still on my back I'd place my feet on the ball and do the reverse of the pike by again pulling my feet in and knees to my chest but, again, from a bridge position or face up. Then we got up and did push ups with my hands on the ball. This, for the record, is very tough. If you have a balance ball...try it! Thereafter, and lastly in the circuit, we I did crunches with my back on the ball. With each crunch, I'd have to reach up and touch Anthony's hand.

We did a few sets of each of these and then stretched out and called it a day.

A good workout...a bit of a slower pace but with good targeted work.

Tomorrow will be here soon, until then.


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