Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week six, Workout #16

Going into Monday, I was a bit worried about my achillies and I wasn't sure what I would be able to do. Walking out to the track I noted to myself that it wasn't feeling too bad; just a bit sore.

Anthony came ready to kick my ass, give me a great workout, and also rest my achillies. Monday was all about sparing. We donned the gloves and I hit the mitts and bag over and over. For those that have never boxed...Je-Sus it is hard work. You gain a new respect for the sweet science and I wasn't even being hit!

We threw various straight jabs, hooks, combos and mixed in some cover up and duck under moves. We would burn the sets out with rapid punches. The last third of the work out we moved to the turf and worked on a modified ground to standing, defense to attack mode. I'd start on the ground, on my back and punch the bag until I could defend myself while sitting. Then separate to standing and then engage to boxing. We finished the day with a good core bridge and plank work.

My achillies feels pretty good, not 100% but good.

I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Until then.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Week six, Weigh-in #5

42% of the program is complete and I am 57% of the way to my weight goal.

4.1 for the week and 24 lbs lost total! A solid week considering we had a modified workout Friday and being unable to run this past weekend.

Without further ado here are the numbers

Week 1: 269.5
Week 2: 257.2
Week 3: 254.7
Week 4: 254.7
Week 5: 249.6
Week 6: 245.5
Loss: 4.1
Total: 24
% of goal lost: 57%
% of weight loss for the week: 1.7%
% of weight loss overall: 9%

Until tonight.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week five, Workout #15

Sorry for the delayed post but kids sports are in full swing...which equates to less time for me.

The last workout of week 5 started with a bit of a scare and maybe the first injury of the program. As I started my warm up with jumping jacks I noted to Anthony that I felt something odd in my left calf. As we continued into the active warm up with running, I began to have an odd feeling in my left achillies; YIKES. As you know I stopped working out 6 years ago because I ruptured my right achillies. While I was excited to do that days workout which was all about running, jumping, and quickness after I run a bit more I realized I would not be able to get 'er done. We called an audible and did a upper body and core workout instead. I came home and iced and rested as much as I could this weekend.

While still sore, I am still looking forward and hoping I can keep it going. Anthony will be tailoring my workouts so we can rest the achillies because you know it would give him a bad rap if I blow out my other achillies on his watch!

On another note butmaybe related, this has been the toughest week with regard to sticking to the program. Mainly on the beer, chip, and pizza front. Maybe it was related to the set back but there were many thoughts of how nice a beer would be. I held true however and stuck to it which I am happy about.

Tomorrow is weight in day and the beginning of week 6.

Until then.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week five, Workout #14

Today was another good workout. We mainly focused on strength but with a mix. One thing Anthony does not believe in, thankfully, is running excessively. But today we run.

After our normal dynamic workout we started in on the strength work. The heavy bar made another appearance and we went into overhead press squats. With the bar held a chest height, I'd squat and on the up motion would press the heavy bar overhead. 21 reps then a run. Back to it I'd do 18 and then run. Back, 15...and, yes, you guessed it, run. Lastly 12 and a run. I think we burned it out with fast rep squats to 10...but it was a blur...not sure. Thereafter we did split leg squats with the heavy bar in the more traditional behind the head position. These were done SSSSLLLLLOOOOOOWW. Meaning, on Anthony's count of 4 I'd go from an up position to the deep one leg squat and then hold for a count of 2 and them back up. We definitely burned these out with fast reps. The strength work moved to the upper body with front lifts with the heavy bar done in the same slow fashion as noted on the single leg squats with the burn out set. Then on to curls for the girls ;) Same slow and burn fashion, again with the heavy bar. We rounded out the day with planks and sit ups.

One thing of note is my eating sucked yesterday and I payed the price. Work was a bit of a pain and I didn't eat lunch. I think this impacted my energy level today. Better I guess to miss lunch then blow it with a 12 pack of Coors and pizza but I feel I am definitely at the point where I need to feed and eat correctly to fuel my exercises.

We're back at it Friday! Until then.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week five, Workout #13

Week Five Begins with a measurement and yes I am a day late posting but when I sat down to do this last night, I lost connectivity so I went to bed.

So lets start with some stats. Day one, Anthony took some baseline measurements. Not only with a measuring tape (chest, biceps, waist, thighs, and calves) but with the TABATA work out.

So the body stats after four weeks:
In Inches
Chest - 49 5/8" to 47 1/8"
Waist - 47 1/4" to 45 1/8"
Arms - (R) 16 1/2" to 15 5/8" (L) 16 1/2" to 15 1/2"
Calves - (R) 18 1/4" to 17 7/8" (L) 18 3/4" to 18"
Quads - No significant change other than getting rock hard!

Major notes, 2 inches lost in the chest, waist and 1 inch in the arms, calves!

The other measurement was in performance in the Tabata which was part of yesterdays workout; as a reminder, 20 second sprints, 10 seconds rest for 8 sets for each activity.

Tabata stats after four weeks:
Squats - increase of 13%
Push ups - increase of 38%
Plank - increase of 60%
Jump rope - hard to count revolutions while sprinting but anecdotal my stamina is vastly improved.

We finished the workout doing ladder work which I always like but we added cones to incorporate additional movements; side steps, sprints, etc.

A good day and until tomorrow.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Week five, Weigh-in #4

SOOOOO CLOSE...to 20 lbs!

Four weeks in, 1/3 of the way through the project, and oh so close to 20 lbs. I had a solid week on the scale however with losing 5 lbs. Very happy about that but I so wanted another .1 of a pound to drop off the scale. In fact I climbed on 4 times this morning hoping it would happen; maybe if I exhale while standing on it, or shift my weight forward, back, side...damit no luck :)

Never the less here are the numbers

Beginning: 269.5
Week 2: 257.2
Week 3: 254.7
Week 4: 254.7
Week 5: 249.6
Loss: 5.1
Total: 19.9
% of goal lost: 47%
% of weight loss for the week: 2%
% of weight loss overall: 9%

Until tonight.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week four, Workout #12

Can you believe it, a Friday without rain, wind, and or hail! It was such a nice day!

That and I have now completed one month of training; 1/3 of the way through the program and I feel great. Sure, sore at times, but overall great; more energy, my body does not ache in the mornings...from doing nothing! Bring on summer and the wakesurf season, I am so ready.

Friday, in addition to the weather, was another great workout. Hard as usual and we have begun to add to fundamental exercises with additional movements; e.g. Push ups with the medicine ball with one hand on the ground and the other on the ball has been modified to do a push up on one side then roll the ball to the other hand and right back into a push up. Alternating sides for the reps.

We started with a normalized warm up except for two things. First we did jumping jacks verses running and we did more hip streatching/work in warm ups to get the loose. Once warm we did some moderate paced job sprints. This entailed a jog with a sprint in the middle and back to a jog pace across the football field. We went from that to liners or, as some call them, suicides. We did a combo of sprints from the goal line to the 5,10,15,20 then 10,20,30, and 40 yrd line to doing the same with side shuffles. From there we did some new medicine ball work. Two new things were while on my knees Anthony would throw the medicine ball to me and I'd chest pass it back. As I did this I would fall forward into a push up. Exploding back up from the push up, I'd catch the ball and do it again. This was cool but hard. From there we did what I'd call a caber toss or keg toss. I'd hold the medicine ball do a squat and explode up throwing the ball over my head behind me. As rest between those sets I'd do core twisting side passes. Lastly, we did ground work with those modified push ups explained above, squats, planks and bridge work using the ball to add instability.

It was a great workout.

Until next time.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Week four, Workout #11

Wednesday and we were right back at it! Great weather, great workout.

I think my body is adjusting to the new eating program, i.e. eat more, and I am a week into it.

The workout started with the normal warm up and then we went to work...and work I did. Anthony said yesterday that today was a heavy cardio day and he wasn't kidding. We did explosive squats jumps with an overhead press using the rubber band that Anthony held behind me at ground level then right into a split single leg squat with punches using the same rubber band. Additionally, we did short sprints and side shuffles around cones with rubber band speed curls as a break. Lots of reps, lots of speed, very little oxygen! It was to the point that my lungs felt like exploding...but it feels great now. We wrapped up with mountain climbers right into a plank for three sets and then sit ups into a bridge for another three.

Again, great workout. We are back to it Friday but I have my eye on Monday a bit as we are going to compare baseline Tabatas and measurements.

Until then.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Week four, Workout #10

After a change in schedule that shifted Mondays workout to today, we were right back at it.

Today was all about the TRX! http://www.fitnessanywhere.com/

The TRX is an amazing training tool. If you have not checked it out before, do so. After an adjusted warm up which consisted of jumping rope instead of running we got right to the TRX. We did a series of different exercises including; push ups, two leg squats, one leg squats, cruches, I's, Y's, M's, and more. Hard to explain how hard those exercies on the TRX are.

It was a great strength workout and we mixed in cardio with rounds of jump rope!

Tomorrow we are back on schedule.

Until then.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Week four, Weigh-in #3


It has happened, zero weight loss for a week. I figured it would happen at somepoint but not this soon. I think because I was told to eat more, my body hasn't adjusted. As Anthony said, lets lose weight the right way. Not starving rather the right way; fueling the body to be better.

At the Macro level this capped off a crumy week for many reasons but not what I wanted to see. Never-the-less, I am buying in and moving on.

Oh by the way, no workout today as we adjusted the schedule for the week; Tues, Weds, Friday.

Here are the numbers

Beginning: 269.5
Week 2: 257.2
Week 3: 254.7
Week 4: 254.7
Loss: 0
Total: 14.8
% of weight loss: 0%
% of goal lost: 35%

Until tomorrow.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Week three, Workout #9

Friday = Rain!

Every Friday workout thus far has included rainy weather. Not sure why that is. But we are out there regardless. That said I found it interesting that the Leland girls lacrosse team was out there playing and the jv team practicing. Good for them!

Since Wednesday I've been trying to eat more as requested, um, er, ah demanded by Anthony. I ate more for dinner Wednesday and consumed about 500 calories more on Thursday. Today, about the same 500 more. I am still not mentally over it yet, that this is right, but there are people out there that know this stuff and are smarter than me so I am in.

The workout was great, increasingly harder than others and definitely the hardest cardo work I've done to date. It is fun to see the progression I am going too. Adding complexities to fundamental exercises. It is more dynamic, fun, hard.

Anthony brought out two three items to play with today. After the normal warm up or active warm up as he calls it (I get winded doing it...) we worked my hips. As I've stated before, my right hip is weak. No idea why but its good to know and work it. So we strapped on the ankle cuffs connected with a rubber band and we did side steps. 30 yards up and back, up and back, up and back...you get he point. Between those sets we'd do side stride single leg squats. After that work Anthony pulled out the heavy bar; a 5 foot, 20lbs (guessing the weight) bar. With this, I'd hold it over head while doing squats then use a close grip and go right into a standing chest press with the bar vertical then right into a fast paced run. GASSED, we'd go right back into this. For three sets - this kicked my ass - the squats and presses were for time not reps. Last item out of the grab bag of fun was the medicine ball. Yes, that medicine ball, featured here in this forum in Kodachrome color. The work was similar to what you have seen in pictures here and the video on my facebook page but with more dynamic moves. e.g. the close wall throw seen on the video incorporated doing squats at the same time...try that one with your kids four-square ball, never mind the medicine ball.

I came home and ate a good snack right after the workout, soaked in the hot tub, and just finished dinner...I might just be asleep by 9pm.

Have a great weekend, until Monday...


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Week three, Workout #8

Man what a good good workout and much needed after two crummy stress filled days at the office.

So as we walked to the track we talked a lot about nutrition, which we do normally, but this time Anthony told me stuff that either I didn't want to hear or that I could not comprehend. EAT MORE! I am not consuming enough good calories. I guess I know that but it is so against what I've learned - less in than you burn to lose weight. Anyway, Anthony does not want me to track my food intake anymore. He knows I am eating the right stuff so just more of it. I'll have to figure it out as I currently eat three meals and two snacks. Guess I need to add to the snacks for more caloric intake. On to the workout...

Today was by far the hardest I've worked yet or should I say in 6 years! Normal warm up and such but the two main activities were a modified kick boxing and some plyo. We also did some good good core work.

When I worked out with Anthony 6 years ago he would bring out the bag and gloves and we'd box/kick; a great workout. This was slightly modified as during the reps he would call out "Sprawl" and, for those that have wrestled know but for those that don't, I'd drop to a burpie push up, bounce up and re-engage. So either while boxing or kicking we'd do this...Oh My God, it hurt but feels good know. The plyo was interesting. In a push up position, I'd go half way down and hold it. Not up and down just holding...PAIN. Core workout with a rubber band capped off the day.

By far the hardest day but, again, it feels really good know. Know if I can only mentally get over eating more! I know it is the right thing but it will be hard. For example, after the workout I had protein shake 130 cals, 36grm of protein. Two hours later I had a cheese stick 80 cals, tomato soup 280cals, and some stir fried mushrooms and spouts maybe 100 cals and I am stuffed...not sure I could eat more right now. Well see how I feel tomorrow.

Until Friday...night


Monday, March 8, 2010

Week three, Workout #7

One nice thing about getting back into shape and one that I noticed this morning was that my clothes are starting to fit better! This is pretty cool especially since I only lost 2.5 pounds this past week...I know, I know that is normal but still.

So week three of workouts. Normal place/time and warm up. Another noticeable difference was during my warm up laps I was not nearly as winded as when I began training. No duh, right? But it is cool to see progress.

Funny that near the end of my warm up Anthony asked me to jog up the track about 40 yards, turn around and come back. Then, again, up the track and back. This was at a very light jog and I must have been giving him an inquisitive look as he said to me; "I am just trying to get the visual of your rupturing your achillies out of my mind from 6 years ago". LOL this made sense so I kept doing it.

Today was about sprints, burpies, and one-leg squats. Interesting too that sprints are what I was doing when I ruptured my achillies. These went well and were only about 60% speed but I did it! Burpies are tough no matter what shape you are in and the focus on squats and hips HURT. But it is all good. I noticed today as I was working my hips that my right hip is very weak in comparison to my left...very odd.

Did I mention that the weather sucked too? Cold, wind, and HAIL! This is California, we don't do hail; Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

Until next time, night!


Week three, Weigh-in #2

Second weigh-in, Beginning of week three. Traditionally (like I really know about this stuff, hell I just watched it on TV) week 2 is tough to lose weight. e.g. The Biggest Loser. I think your body begins to adapt and say, "oh shit, I'm not getting as much food I better store some". This has happened to me. While I did not deliver a huge weight loss this week I did have a respectful 2.5 lbs.

Here are the numbers

Beginning: 269.5
Week 2: 257.2
Week 3: 254.7
Loss: 2.5
Total: 14.8
% of weight loss: 1%
% of goal lost: 35%

As I look forward to week three of workouts, I can tell you that Anthony said we're stepping it up this week. Remember that each workout was progressively harder but know, maybe, exponentially harder. Regardless I am looking forward to tonight's workout.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Week two, Workout #6

Friday! Must mean ladder work.

Today was another good day. We worked on Plyometrics and strength. Warm up was good and normal except we skipped rope instead of running.

We started with lunges and other static core work and then went to the ladder. We went through many variations of working through the ladder but instead of jogging back to the start or back tracking through we would do jump squats back to the start then do push ups. Three cycles of each ladder step; I think we did 4 sets with 3 cycles each. After kicking my butt through that we did arm over head stationary squats then right into rubber band squats with a military press. Thereafter, I did normal push ups then speed presses with the rubber band. Lastly we went into core/oblique work with the rubber band.

Good, hard, fun workout.

Eating is still really good and I've added a mid-morning snack which rounds to three meals and two snacks. Weight loss this week should be interesting. Like the Biggest Loser show, it is known that week two is a tough week to lose weight. I am at that point this week. Everything is going great but I am not losing like last week. This, of course, makes it hard from a motivation stand point but I know I am dedicated and doing the right thing so I'll push through. We'll see what Monday's weigh-in brings.

Until then...


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week two, Workout #5

Here goes...the much anticipated week two, Wednesday workout update! And as an added bonus I solicited a production crew to come take some pictures and video. See the things I do for my peeps! Yesterday and today my quads were a bit sore after doing 140+ squats, skipping rope and running. Eating is still on par; no temptations, no digressions. Workout 5 was good, again progressively harder the rest and fun because it was different than all the others. After the running, stretching and warm ups we primarily did medicine ball work. The hardest of these activity was the following. On the track straightaway and assuming a soccer throw in style stance I would throw the ball as far down the track as possible, about 10 yards, and then do lunges until I get to the ball. Once there I'd place one hand on the ball and the other on the ground and do push ups! Back up, we'd do it again...for 100 yards! My highly paid production crew did not get there in time to film it but we do a few other things documented. These pictures and video are from the end of the hour. Clearly gassed as you can see in the video. We ended with the plank on the ball for a few sets. Good workout, feel great now! Enjoy the pics and video...until Friday! T

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week two, Workout #4

Monday! Honestly I was looking forward to today...maybe more on a personal level and less on the Cisco month-end perspective but regardless I was looking forward to it.

Weigh-in and Training day!

As you know the weigh-in went well. On par with what I expected and I was pleased to see the results; a little affirmation goes a long way.

Today's workout was all about Tabata. Something foreign by name to me hours ago but essentially it is sprints with little rest between sets. After our warm up, we went right to it.

Tabata = 8 sets of 20 second sprints with 10 seconds of rest in between.

First up: jump rope as fast as you can go while maintaining control...20 seconds on 10 seconds rest; rinse, dry, repeat for 8 sets..by the end, doing okay.

Second up: squats, again as fast as you can go while maintaining control...20 seconds on 10 seconds rest; rinse, dry, repeat for 8 sets..these hurt a bit but even on the 8th set, some 140 squats in, I was able to do 16 squats in the last 20 seconds. Go ahead and give this a try if you think 16 is easy :)

Third up: push ups. By now you get the cadence but OMG these were so hard. I remember back 6 years ago and I could rattle off 100 push ups in a row with no issue but today, no so many. Near the end I was only able to push out 4. Not feel strong :(

Fourth up: planks. These used to be a cake walk but clearly to much cake has made this HARD. Like the push ups, I struggled to stay in a plank on the final sets for the entire time. Feeling...PAIN.

That said, this was all good. Being pushed. We went on to do more work of course but it was not nearly as intense. I can tell after a week that my recovery time between sets or exercises has improved. Don't get me wrong, I am gassed by I am able to get my breathing back sooner and control it. I think carrying 12 less pounds helps here too.

Already looking forward to Wednesdays workout.

Until then.


Week two, Weigh-in #1

Week two starts with a weight-in. I know I shouldn't put too much stock into either losing a little or a lot but honestly I wanted to see results, get validation for the change, and payoff for a week of hard work. Instant satisfaction right!

Without further ado a reminder of my start weight; 269.5

Start: 269.5
Week 2: 257.2
Loss: 12.3
% of weight loss: 4.6%
% of goal lost: 29%

I am pleased. In some respects, this is what I expected but I also know it is never easy.

Okay now time to get the kids to school, me to work, and to see Anthony again tonight for workout #4.