Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week five, Workout #14

Today was another good workout. We mainly focused on strength but with a mix. One thing Anthony does not believe in, thankfully, is running excessively. But today we run.

After our normal dynamic workout we started in on the strength work. The heavy bar made another appearance and we went into overhead press squats. With the bar held a chest height, I'd squat and on the up motion would press the heavy bar overhead. 21 reps then a run. Back to it I'd do 18 and then run. Back, 15...and, yes, you guessed it, run. Lastly 12 and a run. I think we burned it out with fast rep squats to 10...but it was a blur...not sure. Thereafter we did split leg squats with the heavy bar in the more traditional behind the head position. These were done SSSSLLLLLOOOOOOWW. Meaning, on Anthony's count of 4 I'd go from an up position to the deep one leg squat and then hold for a count of 2 and them back up. We definitely burned these out with fast reps. The strength work moved to the upper body with front lifts with the heavy bar done in the same slow fashion as noted on the single leg squats with the burn out set. Then on to curls for the girls ;) Same slow and burn fashion, again with the heavy bar. We rounded out the day with planks and sit ups.

One thing of note is my eating sucked yesterday and I payed the price. Work was a bit of a pain and I didn't eat lunch. I think this impacted my energy level today. Better I guess to miss lunch then blow it with a 12 pack of Coors and pizza but I feel I am definitely at the point where I need to feed and eat correctly to fuel my exercises.

We're back at it Friday! Until then.



  1. Pity Anthony doesn't do a bit more running with you, it's a total freakin calorie burner. But I understand. Swimming isn't very convenient, but an awesome work-out. Bicycling should definitely be incorporated into the plan. JMHO. Keep up the good work!

  2. Yeah - I am getting running in. Sunday nights at the track. I did 2 miles then sprints.
